Study completed and recruitment closed
What is LEANBH?
LEANBH (Learning to Evaluate Blood Pressure at Home) is a study which investigates hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Hypertensive disorders are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in mothers.
Home blood-pressure monitoring (HBPM) is widely available, economical and comfortable and for this reason, many pregnant women prefer it. However, while it has the potential to reduce clinic visits, no trial has been performed which assesses the impact of HBPM on maternal or perinatal outcomes.
How does LEANBH work?
The goal of LEANBH is to design, develop, validate and evaluate a software and technology framework which communicates home BP readings. The technology will also analyse associated risk factors (history of hypertension, pre-eclampsia, diabetes or renal disease, age, obesity, smoking, multiparity, nulliparity).
LEANBH aims to supply critical information to relevant healthcare providers e.g. General Practitioners (GPs), Midwives and Obstetric teams. This architecture will provide a platform for future electronic maternity healthcare records.