Study completed and recruitment closed.


The Cork BASELINE Birth Cohort Study is the first Irish prospective birth cohort study and is led by Dr. Deirdre Murray and a multidisciplinary team including Prof. Jonathan Hourihane, Prof. Mairead Kiely, Prof Alan Irvine and Prof. Louise Kenny as Principal Investigators.

BASELINE is providing detailed information on maternal health, fetal growth, childhood nutrition, growth and development in the first five years of life. 

This research was funded by the National Children's Research Centre with a substantial investment in 2008 and again in 2012. 

Newborn baby's feet
How does BASELINE work?

BASELINE stands for Babies After SCOPE: Evaluating the Longitudinal Impact using Neurological and Nutritional Impact.

BASELINE is providing detailed information on maternal health, foetal growth, childhood nutrition, growth and development in the first 5 years of life. It includes a number of nutrition-led strands, focused around biomarkers of diet and nutritional status and growth during pregnancy and early infancy as a predictor of early health outcomes

The BASELINE study has used several channels of communication to inform the public about its research. A Facebook page for the study has consistently updated the public about how follow-ups are going, reporting on research and media attention the study has attracted.

Baby in bed.

BASELINE has now completed the 5-year assessments with all the children