Anna Kravchenko

PhD Student
Contact Details:
Anna is a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin. She is a part of the FOUNDCOG project (a collaboration between INFANT and TCD) that investigates the early stages of infant cognitive development and the foundation they lay for the abilities that emerge later in life.
Her research is focused on modelling early learning strategies associated with curiosity and the impact of curriculum on learning.
Career Profile:
2018-2019 – Research assistant, Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, Neurocognitive Research Centre, Moscow
2013 – Feb – 2015 Software developer (Data mining and NLP specialist)
2013 – 2015 – Research assistant, Moscow MEG Center
2011 – Oct 2013 – Research assistant, Institute of Information Technologies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Education Profile:
2019-present PhD Candidate | Trinity College Dublin
2006–2011 BCh&MS (combined degree) | Moscow State University
A.Kravchenko, R.Cusack (2021), Is active learning always beneficial? AAAI-21
A.Kravchenko, R.Cusack (2020), Infant curiosity and effective learning: insights from computational modelling. ICIS-2020
A.Kravchenko, L. Zaadnoordijk, B.Nipoti, R.Cusack (2019) The Cusious Case of Infant Learning. LCICD-2019