Prof. Liam Marnane – Principal Investigator & Deputy Director of INFANT

Deputy Director of INFANT & Principal Investigator
Liam is a Principal Investigator in INFANT and a member of Executive Management Team. He is the lead PI on Babysafe and Babylink and is a co-PI on NESTED and Neuroprobe.
Liam’s two main research interests are in biomedical signal processing and digital design for DSP, coding, and cryptography with over 200 research publications in these fields. The biomedical signal processing research has focused on Neonatel EEG signal analysis and processing. Liam is Lead PI on Wellcome Trust Strategic Translational Award (2012-) which is carrying out a Multicentre Clinical Evaluation of the ANSeR Neonatal Seizure Detection Algorithm.
Career Profile:
2014 – Present : Professor, School of Engineering, UCC.
2013 – Present : Dean of Graduate Studies, UCC.
1999 – 2014 : Senior Lecturer , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UCC.
2009 – 2013 : Vice Head of School, School of Engineering, UCC
1993 – 1999 : Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UCC.
1989 – 1993 : Lecturer, School of Electronic Engineering Science, University of Wales.
1992 : Post Doc Researcher and Marie Cure fellow, IRISA, University of Rennes.
1989 : D.Phil. in Electronic Engineering, University of Oxford.
1986 – 1989 : Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford.
1984 – 1986 : Graduate Engineer, Concurrent Computer Corporation, Cork, Ireland.
1984 : BE in Electrical Engineering, UCC.
Professional Activities/Achievements:
- Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers for 25 years
- PhD External Examiner: 15 Universities in Ireland UK and Europe
- Visiting Research Positions
- Invited Professor, CAIRN Research Team, INRIA, ENSSAT Lannion, University of Rennes, France, 2009 and 2013.
- “Giner de los Ríos” award holder at University of Alcala, Spain, 2007.
- Visiting researcher, Electronic Devices Research Group, University of Linköping, Sweden. 1999
- Marie Cure Research Fellow at IRISA, University of Rennes, France, 1992.
- National and International Research Grant Reviewer for 4 international and 2 national grant awarding bodies
- Associate Editor on two international Journals.
- Journal Reviewer for 16 International Journals.
- Conferences: Technical Programme Committee Member for 12 international conferences
- UCC Invention of the Year Award 2010 for work on Neonatal Seizure Detection.