Dr. Mairead O’Riordan

Lead Investigator – IRELAnD Project
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Dr. Mairead O’Riordan is a Lead Investigator at the INFANT Research Centre and a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital.
Mairead is currently leading the IRELAnD Study which is Investigating the Role of Early Low-dose Aspirin in Diabetes.
In 1995 Mairead graduated from Medical School in University College Cork. She became a member of member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists in 2001. She pursued higher specialist training in the Rotunda Hospital, St. James’s Hospital, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and The National Maternity Hospital in Dublin and In the Unified Maternity Services (proceeded Cork University Maternity Hospital) and the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital in Cork.
In 2006 she took a training post in the Department of Maternal-Fetal Medicine in National Women’s Hospital and was appointed a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. She took up her current post in UCC/CUMH in 2008. She has taken a central role in the delivery of medical education within the university. She is the lead in the provision of undergraduate obstetrics and gynaecology. Year head for GEM3/ DEM4 and a module coordinator (Maternal Medicine) within the MSc programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and a contributor to the other modules.
Her research interests include perinatal asphyxia and maternal medicine – diabetes, Vitamin D and long-term maternal health outcomes. She also has an interest in patient quality and safety and the interface of technology and clinical medicine and education.
Her clinical practice is undertaken at the Cork University Maternity Hospital and at Cork Obstetrics and Gynaecology Associates. She works in the Perinatal Medicine Service (includes diabetes). She is the clinical lead in the area of Quality and Patient Safety and is also the Clinical lead in the labour ward (deliveries approx 9,000/ annum).